Yamdu's All-New Location Tagging and GPS Searching Features.

Yamdu's All-New Location Tagging and GPS Searching Features

Maximize your location database with Yamdu's Location Tagging and GPS Search features.

Do you want to search for all schools in New York or all castles in Europe in your company's location database? Now you can with Yamdu's location tags and GPS searching capabilities.

Tag Locations to Search For Later

Adding tags allows you to search for specific types of locations you've saved in your company database. This way, the next time you need to find a castle or a lake or a ballroom for a project, you'll find a full list of all locations you've tagged with these words in seconds.

Search Using GPS

We've also added the ability to search for things near a location by GPS. So you can locate castles within 50 miles of where you are right now or castles within 200 miles of Madrid. Yamdu will search through your database and find what you are looking for. Every location you have added across all of your projects can be searched for.

Maximize Your Database

Your Yamdu database is a library of important information you can reuse again and again, and with location tagging and GPS searching, finding exactly what you need is only a few clicks away!